Whenever you go on your holidays you will more than likely to come across some historical building, beautiful shore lines and some world class restaurants. However one thing to look out for is modern and ancient sculptures. Here is a list of the worlds best and most historical sculptures to visit while you are travelling.


Ecstasy Of Saint Teresa

Located in Rome, Italy in 1652, Gian Lorenzo Bernini built this amazing artwork.


This piece which was sculptured in 1499 by the world famous Michelangelo can be admired from St Peter’s Basilica in Vatican City.

The Bronze David

You will find the 1440s sculpture by Donatello in Florence Italy within the Bargello Museum.


The Great Sphinx

The iconic large piece that id identified with Egyptian culture can be found in Giza, Egypt however it has not been recorded who built it and when it was built.

Christ The Redeemer

The biggest tourist attraction in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil which was built in 1931 by sculptor Paul Landowski.

Manneken Pis

You can find this in Brussels, Belgium if you ever visit this incredible city. With history dating back to 1619 by Hieronymus Duguesnoy the Elder.

The Thinker

French artist Auguste Rodin built this in 1904 and debuted it in Paris.


Venus De Milo

Another french masterpiece which is the oldest in this list recorded back between 130 BCE and 100 BCE by Alexandros of Antioch (probably).


Another Michelangelo piece of art that can be found in Florence Italy was created in the year 1504.

Statue of Liberty

Probably the most famous of them all The Statue of Liberty that can be found in New York City. This was made in France in 1186 by Frederic Auguste Bartholdi and brought over to America.


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