There is nothing we want more than some calm in the office. The days were we are up to our neck in deadlines and tasks is rarely fun. We’ll spend the whole time dreaming of a day when we can relax and have nothing to do. But when that day comes it can get underwhelming. You’ll end up so bored at work that you start to seek out things to do, even more work! However, fear not. As we have a list of some of the stuff you can do:
1. Go Down the Social Media Hole
If you find your day dragging, why not sign in to your Twitter or Facebook and just get lost? Before you know it hours will have gone by as you’ve stalked all your friends and foes profiles. You’ll have browsed every photo and status update imaginable before you know it.
2. Play an Online Game
A great way to kill some boredom is to play an online game. There are billions of them out there to take advantage of. With all the different genres and difficulties you should easily be able to find one that takes you out of your bored state.
3. Write Your Shopping List
This is especially great for those of us that are trying to be healthy. Start thinking of all the ingredients you need to buy for your next shop. It means that you can plan out a more balanced diet with healthier ingredients. Get lost in the rabbit hole of online recipes.
4. Make After Work Plans
What a great way to get you through your day. If you start planning something to do once five o’clock hits, then you’ll be much more excited about your day. Send out a message to the group chat and see what everyone is doing tonight.
5. Bored at Work? Go Online Shopping
Go on a mega online shop. Browse all your most wished for items and start to make a list. You’ll be dreaming of your next purchase so much that time will fly by.
6. Listen to a Podcast
Podcasts have become really popular in recent times. There are people out there discussing all sorts of topics. From conspiracy theories to last night’s television, there will be a topic out there to take you away.
7. Take Snack Breaks
What better way to get out of being bored at work than treating yourself. Bring your favourite snacks – whatever they may be – and you are getting too bored then treat yourself with a wee break.